Table of Contents
 1. Architecture
   1.1 Process Manager
   1.2 Process Definition Manager
   1.3 Persistence Manager
   1.4 Audit Manager
   1.5 JaWS
   1.6 Trigger Manager
   1.7 Security Connector
   1.8 Utility Activities
 2. Configuring
   2.1 Database
   2.2 Configuring Datasources
   2.3 Configuring JMS Datasources
 3. Running
   3.1 Checking installation
   3.2 Web User Interface
   3.3 Loading a Process Definition
   3.4 Starting a Process
   3.5 Operating on a Process Instance
     3.5.1 Changing Process Instance Status
     3.5.2 Process Instance History
     3.5.3 Process Graph
   3.6 Operating on Activities
     3.6.1 Changing Activity Instance Status
     3.6.2 Activity Instance History
   3.7 Searching Processes
 4. Activities
   4.1 Java Activities
   4.2 Input and Output Context
   4.3 Configuration
 5. The net.arsretia.jawflow.util Package
   5.1 Dos2UnixActivity
   5.2 Unix2DosActivity
   5.3 ExternalCommandActivity
   5.4 FileCopyActivity
   5.5 MailActivity
   5.6 MainWrapperActivity
   5.7 MoveFileActivity
   5.8 RegexpReplacerActivity
   5.9 ScriptActivity
   5.10 ZipActivity
   5.11 UnzipActivity
 6. Triggers
   6.1 TriggerManager
   6.2 MailTrigger
   6.3 FileTrigger
   6.4 FTPTrigger
   6.5 TimeTrigger
 1. Architecture
JawFlow is composed by many interacting modules. Many of these modules are JMX Mbeans and so they need a JMX Agent to run. To develop, test and run JawFlow we used Jboss AS ( but since there are no dependencies in the code related to Jboss it can be installed in any application server supporting the JMX technology. We only support here Jboss AS and a detailed installation and configuration procedure is reported in chapter 2
 1.1 Process Manager
The ProcessManager is the kernel of JawFlow. It is responsible of process scheduling and enqueueing. It enquires the JaWS module to follow the work path in order to respect the flow depicted in the process definitions.
 1.2 Process Definition Manager
The Process Manager uses the Process Definition Manager in order to store, retrieve and delete the process definitions. The process definitions are written in XPDL, the XML Process Definition Language, a standard language proposed by the WfMC coalition. The process definition Manager acts in two ways: the first as a persistence manager for process definitions, the second as a cache manager to avoid the process of loading process definition from the persistence repository. The process definition manager can be plugged into JawFlow respecting some Mbean interfaces. The actual implementation uses Hibernate as a persistence mechanism and a JNDI serialization as a cache manager.
 1.3 Persistence Manager
The persistence Manager is in charge of storing and retrieving the Flow status and any change that occurs to it. It stores any information declared as "Extended Attribute" in the Workflow.
 1.4 Audit Manager
The Audit Manager is notified of any change that occurs to the status of the activities and of the processes. It is implemented in an asynchronous way using a JMS Queue and a MDB that receives notifications and stores data. The actual implementation of the storage has been done using Hibernate a llowing fast coding of the workflow structure db operations. The Audit Manager is implemented using a chain of delegation pattern, allowing to extend its behaviour by registering other listeners for the change of status notifications.
 1.5 JaWS
The Java Workflow System is just a decision engine which, invoked by the ProcessManager, controls the path of the workflow. It is able to recognized decisional structure defined by the WfMC as splits and joins.
 1.6 Trigger Manager
It is possible to register a number of "triggers" that, at the occurrence of particular events, can instance a defined process and have it started. The Trigger Manager component controls the triggering subsystem and runs the monitors. Four types of trigger are present in Jawflow:
File TriggerMonitors a directory and its subdirs for any file copied into it
Mail Trigger Monitors a mailbox for e-mails arriving respecting required conditions
Time TriggerIt is a sort of "cron" scheduler able to start processes at defined time conditions
FTP TriggerSimilar to the File trigger but acts remotely

It is so possible, for instance, to start a particular process when a file is copied into a defined directory or when a mail arrives in a defined mailbox.
 1.7 Security Connector
It provides a secure mechanism of talking in a stateless way with the jawflow server. A Standard connector has been written for Jboss but since the methods used are all exposed by the underlying Mbeans it is possible to write your own connector.
 1.8 Utility Activities
A number of utility Java activities have been included in the jawflow distributions. For a complete list, please refer to the related documentation.
 2. Configuring
jawFlow is provided in bundle with jboss-4.0.4GA Application Server. The distribution should run with a minimum configuration work.
 2.1 Database
Jawflow needs a database in order to store process definitions and process status. The database is created via the script jawflow.sql provided with the distribution.
 2.2 Configuring Datasources
The jawflow DataSource is defined in the file


and it should be configured pointing to the database created in the previous step.
<datasources> <local-tx-datasource> <jndi-name>jawflowDS</jndi-name> <connection-url>...jdbc url...</connection-url> <driver-class>...jdbc driver...</driver-class> <user-name>...username...</user-name> <password>...password...</password> <min-pool-size>5</min-pool-size> <max-pool-size>20</max-pool-size> <idle-timeout-minutes>0</idle-timeout-minutes> <track-statements/> </local-tx-datasource> </datasources>
The parameters in the previous file are:
jdbc urlThe JDBC URL of your DB (e.g.: jdbc:postgresql://server/jawflow)
jdbc driverThe name of the class implementing the jdbc Driver (e.g.:org.postgresql.Driver)
usernamea valid username to connect to the database with read/write access
passwordthe user's password

You can of course configure the pooling parameters according to your specific needs.
 2.3 Configuring JMS Datasources
jawFlow uses JMS for asynchronous state saving hence it needs a working JMS storage. The default distributions uses a Postgres configured Datasource for the jms Queue but you can use whatever persistent jms mechanism provided by jboss. The provided datasource is in file


and its configuration is similar to the one described previously for the main jawFlow DS. You can of course use the same database for both jawFlow and JMS queue
 3. Running
To run jawFlow, just start jboss with the or run.bat script.
 3.1 Checking installation
Once JBoss has started you can check if jawFlow has been started properly too. In order to do this control on the JMX Console:


if the following JMX Beans have been registered:
arsretia.jawflow * service=AuditMessageProducer * service=DataPersistenceManager * service=DataPersister * service=DefinitionsStorageManager * service=GroupManager * service=JNDIStorageManager * service=MasterClock * service=MonitorMgr * service=PersistenceManager * service=ProcessCleaner * service=ProcessDefinitionRepository * service=ProcessManager * service=RMIConnectorServer * service=SecurityConnector * service=TriggerManager
 3.2 Web User Interface
If everything's ok now, you can access jawFlow's console at the url:


and you can reach the logon mask
The default user to access the console is:

user: admin

password: jawflow

It is strongly suggested to change the password on the db
 3.3 Loading a Process definition
The main jawFlow console is empty at the beginning because we haven't any process definition stored in the database. We can load our XPDL files by clicking on the button circled in red in the following Picture

In the following screen, choose your XPDL file clicking on the Browse button and upload your definition with the submit button.

The new definition should appear in the top list.

At its right you have the operational button to Start a new Process Instance and to Remove the Definition

 3.4 Starting a Process Instance
To start a New Process Instance, click on the start button. You are presented a start form with the Workflow Relevant Data. Every data defined as a workflow relevant data is presented here and you can change the ones you need.

The only mandatory field is the "domain" which represents the JMX domain of your process instance. You can enter a string here, for instance "mydomain", then click on the "start" button.

 3.5 Operating on a Process Instance
 3.5.1 Changing process status
By clicking on the "Modify" button you can change the status of a process instance to a different one

The allowed statuses are the ones defined by the WfMC.
 3.5.2 Process Instance History
You can have a look at the process history and at the process internal status.

 3.5.3 Process Graph
You can have a look at the process graph.

 3.6 Operating on an Activity Instance
 3.6.1 Changing Activity Instance status
By clicking on the "Modify" button you can change the status of an activity instance to a different one

The allowed statuses are the ones defined by the WfMC.
 3.6.2 Activity Instance History
You can have a look at the activity history.

 3.7 Searching Processes
The search utility provides you a way to searc and look at completed processes no more present in the process runtime list (the process runtime list is cleaned of completed processes every now and then)

You can search by:
  • Process status
  • Process domain
  • Process definition id
  • Process start and end dates.
The process list you have as a result permits you to have a look at the process history and status and at the process graph.

 4. Activities
JawFlow allows you to write activities that are automatically executed by the system. These activities can be written in Java or in a scripting language supported by BSF (using the ScriptActivity)
 4.1 Java Activities
The Java Activities can be classes that must implement:


defined as

public interface IRunnableActivity extends Serializable { public int doWork(InputContext oInput,OutputContext oOutput); public void forceQuit(); public void gracefulStop(); }

The doWork method must return one of the following statuses defined in


public static final int iACTIVITY_CLOSED = 0x00F0; public static final int iACTIVITY_CLOSED_ABORTED = 0x0020; public static final int iACTIVITY_CLOSED_TERMINATED = 0x0040; public static final int iACTIVITY_CLOSED_COMPLETED = 0x0080;

depending on the end activity status The forceQuit method must stop the activity immediately.
The gracefulStop method can shutdown cleanly the activity.
A typical doWork method can be:

public int doWork(InputContext oInput,OutputContext oOutput); while(boRunning){ // do some important stuff here } if(boForcedQuit){ return IStates.iACTIVITY_CLOSED_TERMINATED; } if(boCleanShutdown){ return IStates.iACTIVITY_CLOSED_COMPLETED; } return IStates.iACTIVITY_CLOSED_COMPLETED; }

 4.2 Input and Output Context
The doWork method parameters are of the type InputContext and OutputContext In the InputContext there is every parameter declared as

<ExtendedAttribute Name="InputVariable" Value="..."/>

in the xpdl referring to Workflow Data and every other ExtendedAttribute Since an ExtendedAttribute can refer one or many parameters with the same name the method getAttribute of InputContext always returns a
It is responsability of the programmer to fetch the first (and only) attribute in case there is only one.

String myVar = (String)((List)oInput.getAttribute("MyVAR")).get(0)

The OutputContext allows to set the value of variables declared in the xpdl as

<ExtendedAttribute Name="OutputVariable" Value="..."/>

If you try to set a variable not declared as OutputAttribute you get an InvalidAttributeException
It is possible, for user defined variables, to refer to a workflow variable with the prefix $

<ExtendedAttribute Name="MyVar" Value="$Var1/$Var2"/>
 4.2 Input and Output Context
The automatic activity is declared in the XPDL with an ExtendedAttribute in the following way:

... <ExtendedAttributes> <ExtendedAttribute Name="" Value="<classname>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="activity.class.path" Value="<classpath>"/> ... </ExtendedAttributes> ...

<classname>is the name of the class implementing net.arsretia.jawflow.kernel.processmgr.IRunnableActivity
<classpath>is the classpath where the class can be found
 5. The net.arsretia.jawflow.util Package
In the net.arsretia.jawflow.util package there are many activites ready to be used
 5.1 Dos2UnixActivity
This activity converts a DOS file in a UNIX File (CRLF -> CR conversion)

<ExtendedAttribute Name="DosFile" Value="<dosfile>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="DosFileDir" Value="<dosfiledir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="UnixFileOutDir" Value="<unixfileoutdir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="DosFileSuffix" Value="<dosfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="UnixFileSuffix" Value="<unixfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorVariable>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorValue>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
  dosfile  Name of the dos file (without suffix)  
  dosfiledir  Directory where the dos file is  
  unixfileoutdir  Directory in cui scrivere il file unix  
  dosfilesuffix  Dos file Extension  
  unixfilesuffix  Unix File Extension (default=".unix")  
  errorVariable  Name of the error variable to be set in case of error  
  errorValue  Value of the error Variable in case of error  
 5.2 Unix2DosActivity
This Activity converts an UNIX file to a DOS one (CR -> CRLF)

<ExtendedAttribute Name="UnixFile" Value="<unixfile>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="UnixFileDir" Value="<unixfiledir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="DosFileOutDir" Value="<dosfileoutdir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="DosFileSuffix" Value="<dosfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="UnixFileSuffix" Value="<unixfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorVariable>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorValue>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
 unixfile Unix file name (no suffix)  
 unixfiledir Unix file dir  
 dosfileoutdir DOS File dir  
 dosfilesuffix Dos File Suffix  
 unixfilesuffix Unix File Suffix (default=.unix)  
 errorVariable  Name of the error variable to be set in case of error  
 errorValue Valore della variabile di errore in caso di errore  
 5.3 ExternalCommandActivity
This activity executes an external command

<ExtendedAttribute Name="command" Value="<command>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorVariable>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorValue>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
 command Complete Command  
 errorVariable  Name of the error variable to be set in case of error  
 errorValue Valore della variabile di errore in caso di errore  
 5.4 FileCopyActivity
File copy

<ExtendedAttribute Name="OriginalFile" Value="<originalfile>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="OriginalFileDir" Value="<originalfiledir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="OriginalFileSuffix" Value="<origfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="CopiedFile" Value="<copiedfile>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="CopiedFileDir" Value="<copiedfiledir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="CopiedFileSuffix" Value="<copiedfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="NameChanges" Value="<namechanges>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorVariable>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorValue>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
 originalfile Name of the original file (without suffix)  
 originalfiledir Directory where the file is  
 originalfilesuffix Original file suffix  
 CopiedFile Copied file name  
 CopiedFileDir Copied file dir  
 CopiedFileSuffix Copied file Suffix  
Can be:
LeaveAsItIs no changes
ToUpperCase copied file name is uppercase
ToLowerCase copied file name is lowercase
 errorVariable  Name of the error variable to be set in case of error  
 errorValue Valore della variabile di errore in caso di errore  
 5.5 MailActivity
Sends an email

<ExtendedAttribute Name="address" Value="<address>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="text" Value="<text>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="smtp" Value="<smtp>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="from" Value="<from>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="subject" Value="<subject>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="attachment" Value="<attachment>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
 Address Address (many addresses can be inserted)  
 Smtp SMTP Server  
 From From address  
 Text Text. If the variable is prepended by a '@' is the url of a valid file containing the text  
 Subject Subject  
 Attachment Attachment file url (many attachments can be inserted)  

In the text and the subject it is possible to use the variable substitution using the $ prefix.
 5.6 MainWrapperActivity
This activity executes a java class with the method:
public static void main(String argv[])
<ExtendedAttribute Name="runnable.class" Value="<class>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="runnable.class.path" Value="<classpath>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="runnable.param" Value="<param>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorvar>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorval>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
Class Class Name  
Classpath Execution Classpath  
Param Main class parameters (many parameters can be inserted)  
Errorvar Name of the variable to be set in case of errors  
Errorval Value of the variable to be set in case of errors  
 5.7 MoveFileActivity
This activity moves a file. It can be configured in the same way as the FileCopyActivity.
 5.8 RegexpReplacerActivity
This activity performs a regular expression substitution in a given file

<ExtendedAttribute Name="OriginalFile" Value="<originalfile>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="OriginalFileDir" Value="<originalfiledir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="OriginalFileSuffix" Value="<origfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="ReplacedFile" Value="<repfile>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="ReplacedFileDir" Value="<repfiledir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="ReplacedFileSuffix" Value="<repfilesuffix>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="RemoveEmptyLines" Value="<removeemptylines>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="Regexp" Value="<regexp>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="Replacestring" Value="<rreplacestring>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorvar>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorval>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
originalfile Original File Name (without suffix)  
originalfiledir Original File Dir  
Originalfilesuffix Original File suffix  
ReplacedFile Substituted file name  
ReplacedFileDir Substituted file dir  
ReplacedFileSuffix Substituted file suffix  
RemoveEmptyLines It it is true, empty lines are removed  
Regexp Regular expression  
ReplaceString String to be inserted  
Errorvar Name of the variable to be set in case of errors  
Errorval Value of the variable to be set in case of errors  
 5.9 ScriptActivity
This activity executes a script writtine in a language supported by BSF. The Script MUST return one of the codes before mentioned for the Java Activity

<ExtendedAttribute Name="language" Value="<language>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="script" Value="<script>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
Language Language  
Script File containing the script  
 5.10 UnzipActivity
This Activity unzips a file

<ExtendedAttribute Name="ZipInputFile" Value="<zipinputfile>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="ZipInputFileDir" Value="<zipinputfiledir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="ExtractDir" Value="<extractdir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="PreserveTree" Value="<preservetree>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorVariable>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorValue>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
Zipinputfile Name of the zip file (without .zip)  
zipinputfiledir Zip File Dir  
Extractdir Output Dir  
Preservetree True if you want to preserve the original dir struct  
errorVariable Name of the error variable to be set in case of error  
errorValue Value of the error Variable in case of error  
 5.11 ZipActivity
This activity zips a list of files

<ExtendedAttribute Name="ZipDir" Value="<zipDir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="ZipFileOutDir" Value="<zipfileoutdir>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="ZipFileName" Value="<zipfilename>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="Extension" Value="<extension>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorVariable" Value="<errorVariable>"/> <ExtendedAttribute Name="errorValue" Value="<errorValue>"/>

  Var DescriptionMandatory
ZipfileName Name of the zip file (without .zip)  
Zipfileoutdir Zip File Dir  
ZipDir Directory where the files to be compressed are  
Extension Extensions of the files to be compressed (many extensions can be inserted)  
errorVariable Name of the error variable to be set in case of error  
errorValue Value of the error Variable in case of error  
 6 Triggers
JawFlow has an internal mechanism to trigger process instances start when particula events occur. A bunch of triggers are predefined to cover the most common situations.
 6.1 TriggerManager
The TriggerManager is the component of the jawFlow architecture responsible for keeping track of all triggers installed in the system and for the effective process spawning,
The TriggerManager can be configured to "listen" on a directory for trigger configuration files. Basically you can install a trigger by copying a configuration file in a given directory and the TriggerManager watch over the directory for any modifications or removal of the file.
 6.2 MailTrigger
The MailTrigger monitors an email address and if a mail is received respecting defined rules it starts a given process instance.

<trigger> <name>MailTrigger</name> <version>1</version> <class>net.arsretia.jawflow.triggers.mail.MailTrigger</class> <processid> <rule regexp="Process1*" field="Subject">Process1</rule> <rule regexp="Process2*" field="Subject">Process2</rule> ... </processid> <period>5000</period> <domain name="domain"> <var name="var1" value="value1"/> <var name="var2" value="value2"/> ... </domain> <host>[mail host]</host> <user>[mail username]</user> <password>[mail password]</password> <protocol>[mail protocol]</protocol> <port>[mail host port]</port> <maxmessages>1</maxmessages> <attachmentdir>[mail attachments dir]</attachmentdir> <debug>false</debug> </trigger>

The processid section includes a list of rules to start different process id if defined rules are met. The "field" attribute can be one of the valid Mail Header file names (e.g.: Subject). The "regexp" attribute is a regexp which is evaluated on the content of the field's value. If the rule is met the processid in the related tag is started. In the above example if the subject starts with "Process1" than a new process instance of th Process1 definition is started.
The other configuration parameters are:

  Param DescriptionMandatory
 period Period of the check in ms  
 domain In this section you can add variables to the process instance which is started and you can configure the default domain  
 host Mail Server  
 user Mail User  
 password Mail Password  
 protocol Mail Protocol (supported by javamail)  
 port Mail Port  
 maxmessages Max number of messages to be retrieved each run  
 attachmentdir Directory in which attachment files will be stored  
 debug true to debug javamail  

The started process has the following attributes set:

  Param Description Type
 mail.messagecontents if message has no attachments it contains message contentjava.lang.String
 mail.contents a List of attachment file namesjava.util.List
 mail.recbcc a List of BCC addressesjava.util.List
 mail.reccc a List of CC addressesjava.util.List
 mail.from a List of FROM addressesjava.util.List
 mail.recto a List of TO addressesjava.util.List
 mail.replyto a List of REPLYTO addressesjava.util.List
 mail.received date of receivaljava.lang.String
 mail.sent date of sendingjava.lang.String
 mail.attachmentdir Attachment Dirjava.lang.String
 mail.header.headername Value of header headername java.lang.String

 6.3 FileTrigger
The FileTrigger monitors a directory tree on the filesystem and if a file is copied/modified it starts a given process instance.

<trigger> <name>nesteddir</name> <version>1</version> <class>net.arsretia.jawflow.triggers.file.FileTrigger</class> <processid>Test</processid> <period>1000</period> <rootdir>[rootdir]</rootdir> <domain>var1_$var1name1</domain> <dir path="dir1" filefilter="*.txt"> <var name="var1name1" value="var1value1"/> <var name="var1name2" value="var1value2"/> <var name="var1name3" value="var1value3"/> <dir path="dir1.1" filefilter="*.txt1"> <var name="var1.1name1" value="var1.1value1"/> <var name="var1.1name2" value="var1.1value2"/> </dir> <dir path="dir1.2" filefilter="*.zip"> <var name="var1.2name1" value="var1.2value1"/> <var name="var1.2name2" value="var1.2value2"/> <dir path="dir1.2.1" filefilter="*.doc"> <var name="var1.2.1name1" value="var1.2.1value1"/> <var name="var1.2.1name2" value="var1.2.1value2"/> </dir> </dir> </dir> </trigger>

In the above example we are monitoring a tree with the following structure:

[rootdir] | |----dir1 | |----dir1.1 | |----dir1.2 | |---dir1.2.1

The "filefilter" attribute ensures that only the filtered file are checked, so, for instance, in directory dir1, only .txt files are checked. The started process has the following attributes set:

  Param Description Type
 var The started process will have this variables as attributes if the file is modified in the corresponding directory java.lang.String
 FileNotificationTimeStamp Time of notification User java.lang.String
 InputFileDir directory of modified filejava.lang.String
 FileLength File Lenghtjava.lang.Long
 LastModified Last Modified Timejava.lang.String
 InputFile File name without extensionjava.lang.String
 InputFileSuffix File Suffixjava.lang.String

 6.4 FTPTrigger
The FTPTrigger monitors a file on a remote server and starts a given process instance.

<trigger> <name>FTPTrigger</name> <version>1</version> <class>net.arsretia.jawflow.triggers.ftp.FTPTrigger</class> <processid>Test</processid> <period>5000</period> <domain name="domain"> <var name="var1" value="value1"/> <var name="var2" value="value12"/> </domain> <host>[host]</host> <user>[username]</user> <password>[password]</password> <remotedir>[dir]</remotedir> <remotefile>[file]</remotefile> <localdir>[localdir]</localdir> <mode>[ftp mode]</mode> <downloadfile>true</downloadfile> <deleteremote>true</deleteremote> </trigger>

The other configuration parameters are:

  Param DescriptionMandatory
 period Period of the check in ms  
 domain In this section you can add variables to the process instance which is started and you can configure the default domain  
 host FTP Host  
 user Username  
 password Password  
 remotedir Dir on remote server  
 remotefile File on remote server  
 localdir Local dir where file will be written if downloadfile=true  
 mode FTP Mode  
 downloadfile true if file must be downloaded  
 deleteremote true if file must be deleted after downloading  

 6.5 Timerigger
The TimeTrigger acts as a unix crontab starting a process with a scheduler.

<trigger> <name>Time</name> <version>1</version> <class>net.arsretia.jawflow.triggers.time.TimeTrigger</class> <processid>Test</processid> <period>1000</period> <rootdir>[rootdir]</rootdir> <domain>var1_$var1name1</domain> <crontabentry>[min] [hour] [day of month] [month] [day of week]</crontabentry> <crontabentry>[min] [hour] [day of month] [month] [day of week]</crontabentry> ..... </trigger>

The crontab entry is in the standard unix crontab form (it supports only the wildcard "*")